Hydrometallurgical Engineer with strong problem solving experience, hands-on approach with commissioning, and expertise in gold leaching technologies & water treatment solutions.
Mr. Daenzer is a McGill University graduate with a B.Eng and M.Eng Materials Engineering. His Master’s thesis investigated the role of ferrous ions in the iron-arsenic coprecipitation system. He completed his PhD in 2017 with the Hydrometallurgy Group at the University of British Columbia. He focused on gold leaching and recovery using calcium thiosulfate, an environmentally friendly alternative to cyanidation.
Renaud has been a Senior Research Engineer responsible for the development, execution & write-up of projects related to the treatment of mine impacted water. He has also managed onsite and operated a full-scale electro-reduction system for selenium removal. Renauld has built, commissioned and operated a reverse osmosis mobile plant in Central Interior BC.
Mr. Daenzer joined Aurel in 2019 as Manager, Mineral Processing helping, facilitating, and supporting the mining industry in their simulation endeavours.
Multilingual versatile Hydrometallurgical Engineer with International experience; Problem solving, hands-on approach with commissioning experience, expertise in gold leaching technologies & water treatment solutions.